SOMONAUK CUSD 432 Shall a new combined unit school district be created in the territory comprising the entire territories of Somonauk Community Unit School District No. 432, counties of DeKalb and LaSalle, and Leland Community Unit School District No. 1, counties of DeKalb and LaSalle, the Board of Education of such new school district to be elected on an at-large basis at the next regularly scheduled election date and with the authority to levy taxes at the rate of 4.000% for educational purposes, 0.500% for operations and maintenance purposes, and 0.200% for transportation purposes, each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the full, fair cash value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue?

General Primary Election (06/28/2022) Unofficial Results

2 of 2 precincts reporting
Precinct YES () NO () Total
SOMONAUK 1 213 317 530
VICTOR 1 23 19 42
Totals 236 336 572