STATE OF ILLINOIS "Should any candidate appearing on the Illinois ballot for federal, State, or local office be subject to civil penalties if the candidate interferes or attempts to interfere with an election worker’s official duties?"

GENERAL ELECTION (11/05/2024) Unofficial Results

34 of 34 precincts reporting
Precinct YES (NON) NO (NON) Total
St Rose 660 179 839
Wheatfield 194 66 260
Irishtown 435 96 531
East Fork 168 46 214
Sugar Creek 1 712 122 834
Sugar Creek 2 779 140 919
Sugar Creek 3 473 94 567
Sugar Creek 4 553 110 663
Sugar Creek 5 640 128 768
Breese 1 517 82 599
Breese 2 471 94 565
Breese 3 874 169 1,043
Breese 4 698 128 826
Wade 1 126 28 154
Wade 2 576 154 730
Carlyle 1 461 96 557
Carlyle 2 463 106 569
Carlyle 3 390 54 444
Carlyle 4 299 64 363
Clement 229 47 276
Meridian 242 69 311
Lookingglass 1 596 112 708
Lookingglass 2 233 29 262
Lookingglass 3 166 23 189
Lookingglass 4 627 138 765
Lookingglass 5 372 78 450
Lookingglass 6 716 106 822
Germantown 1 619 147 766
Germantown 2 374 83 457
Santa Fe 578 150 728
Lake 382 71 453
Brookside 1 329 58 387
Brookside 2 395 48 443
Brookside 3 256 39 295
Totals 15,603 3,154 18,757