STATE OF ILLINOIS Should any candidate appearing on the Illinois ballot for federal, State, or local office be subject to civil penalties if the candidate interferes or attempts to interfere with an election worker’s official duties?

GENERAL ELECTION (11/05/2024) Unofficial Results

27 of 27 precincts reporting
Precinct YES (NON) NO (NON) Total
ARRINGTON 131 30 161
BARNHILL 286 80 366
BEDFORD 374 110 484
BERRY 116 69 185
BIG MOUND 1 424 115 539
BIG MOUND 2 212 42 254
ELM RIVER 102 46 148
FOUR MILE 195 97 292
GARDEN HILL 53 16 69
GROVER 368 103 471
RIDER 249 48 297
FAIRFIELD 1 190 42 232
FAIRFIELD 2 307 68 375
MERRIAM 235 75 310
HICKORY HILL 126 65 191
JASPER 1 470 129 599
JASPER 2 289 50 339
KEITH 127 47 174
LAMARD 1 379 106 485
LAMARD 2 129 28 157
GOLDENGATE 165 63 228
MASSILON 52 21 73
MT. ERIE 144 49 193
ORCHARD 166 52 218
OREL 517 189 706
ZIF 30 26 56
Totals 6,074 1,865 7,939