STATE OF ILLINOIS Should all medically appropriate assisted reproductive treatments, including, but not limited to, in vitro fertilization, be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides coverage for pregnancy benefits, without limitation on the number of treatments?

GENERAL ELECTION (11/05/2024) Unofficial Results

27 of 27 precincts reporting
Precinct YES (NON) NO (NON) Total
ARRINGTON 61 98 159
BARNHILL 179 180 359
BEDFORD 256 224 480
BERRY 80 105 185
BIG MOUND 1 265 260 525
BIG MOUND 2 139 108 247
ELM RIVER 55 92 147
FOUR MILE 111 182 293
GARDEN HILL 25 42 67
GROVER 247 222 469
RIDER 168 123 291
FAIRFIELD 1 126 101 227
FAIRFIELD 2 198 167 365
MERRIAM 142 164 306
HICKORY HILL 79 116 195
INDIAN PRAIRIE 162 171 333
JASPER 1 275 322 597
JASPER 2 195 143 338
KEITH 82 89 171
LAMARD 1 267 212 479
LAMARD 2 89 61 150
GOLDENGATE 93 126 219
MASSILON 31 43 74
MT. ERIE 77 117 194
ORCHARD 103 111 214
OREL 318 379 697
ZIF 21 36 57
Totals 3,844 3,994 7,838