STATE OF ILLINOIS Should all medically appropriate assisted reproductive treatments, including, but not limited to, in vitro fertilization, be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides coverage for pregnancy benefits, without limitation on the number of treatments?

GENERAL ELECTION (11/05/2024) Unofficial Results

20 of 20 precincts reporting
Precinct YES (NON) NO (NON) Total
Anna 1 259 156 415
Anna 2 201 125 326
Anna 3 291 206 497
Anna 4 210 125 335
Anna 5 222 117 339
Anna 6 217 122 339
Anna 7 238 198 436
Jonesboro 1 267 209 476
Jonesboro 2 333 230 563
Jonesboro 3 194 137 331
Cobden 1 358 221 579
Cobden 2 410 270 680
Dongola 1 254 175 429
Dongola 2 128 81 209
Alto Pass 206 129 335
Mill Creek 64 57 121
Balcom 131 88 219
Lick Creek 291 293 584
Stokes 183 159 342
Union 186 152 338
Totals 4,643 3,250 7,893